Author's Info
The 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems
(CTS 2016)
October 31 - November 04, 2016
The Florida Hotel and Conference Center
Orlando, Florida, USA
* Deadlines are 5:00 PM U.S. Eastern (New York) Time on the dates indicated.
+ Deadline is 5:00 PM U.S. Eastern Time on the date indicated or until CTS 2016 block is full, whichever comes first. Reservation requests received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern time at the Hotel on the cut-off date will be accepted at the group rate on a space availability basis.
++We have extended the registration and camera-ready deadline to accommodate the late notifications. For those who have received or will receive their notifications shortly, please complete your required procedures as soon as you can. We are all under time constraints.
Formatting Templates
CTS 2016 plans to use a version of IEEE manuscript templates for conference proceedings for the final, camera-ready accepted papers. Please make sure to use only US Letter size templates. It will be good to submit the draft paper using the template as well.
Please note that preliminary main track manuscripts must be uploaded to the CTS 2016 web site in PDF format only.
Full Paper Manuscript Instructions (This is the IEEE format we use and require you to follow).
Poster Paper Manuscript or Work-in-Progress (This is the IEEE format we use and require you to follow)
Please indicate "POSTER PAPER" or "WORK-IN-PROGRESS" on the manuscript under the affiliations, respectively.
Extended Abstracts (This is the IEEE format we use and require you to follow)
This could be for extended abstract for Invited, Poster, etc. Please indicate which on the manuscript under the affiliations.
Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium Extended Abstracts (This is the IEEE format we use and require you to follow)
Please indicate "DOCTORAL DISSERTATION COLLOQUIUM EXTENDED ABSTRACT" on the manuscript under the affiliations.
No LaTeX template available, please use word/pdf templates provided.
Formatting Check List
Please use this list after the manuscript is ready and verify that all requirements are met before you upload your paper to the web site.
Page Limit
The following are the page limits for accepted submissions of various types. If your final submission exceeds these limits, you will be subject to the additional pages per paper fees as shown on the registration page:
Regular papers: 8 pages
Short papers: 5 pages
Poster Papers: 6 pages
Research or Industry Posters: 2 page abstracts
DDC Abstracts: 4 pages
Congratulations for the acceptance of your paper in CTS 2016. Please READ the following information carefully.
The deadline for submitting the camera-ready version paper + signed Copyright form + Bio is September 15, 2016. Please try to submit them earlier than this date if possible to avoid any last minute issues.
The final paper can be uploaded by logging in at the CTS 2016 web site at using your previous login information for your paper in case you are in the main conference track. The link is at Login. If your paper was accepted through a symposium, special sessions or a workshop and you have not uploaded it to this system yet, you may submit it as a new submission under the Upload menu using the submit link ( Once you upload your paper to the system, you may use your login info and the Upload link to upload any revised or newer version of your manuscript.
Please note that a very strict application of the final manuscript formatting will be adhered to. Any manuscript that does not meet the requirements will be rejected and not included in the proceedings. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us having good and professional conference proceedings.
Please note that final camera-ready manuscripts must be uploaded to the CTS 2016 web site in PDF format only.
Please note that your camera-ready pdf file must be IEEE Xplore compliant. Otherwise, your file may not be correctly incorporated and will have errors. It is your responsibility as author to submit an IEEE Xplore compliant pdf file. Please refer to the IEEE Xplore resources available to conferences and authors to make sure your paper is compliant when you create its pdf file. The following links have more information and other links on IEEE Xplore compliant pdf files. We are providing these links to assist with this task. The authors can choose the parts they deem applicable.
The PDF Express site is set up. Please log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress at and verify the compliance of your paper before you upload the camera-ready to the CTS 2016 web site. First-time users should do the following:
Select the" New Users - Click Here" link.
38705X for the Conference ID
Create a password for PDF Express and follow instructions as prompted.
An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
As a good practice, please make sure that your paper abstract meets the criteria for what is expected. See for example How to Write an Abstract and The 8 Elements of an Effective Abstract.
On paper title, see How to Compose a Title for Your Research Paper. On paper structure, see How to Structure a Conference Paper in Experimental Computer Science.
Please contact:
Joseph Natarian
IEEE USA and Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, Ohio, USA
Phone: +1 937 -
Please complete and sign the CTS 2016 Copyright Form and email to Barbara Frantom and Felicia Harlow at and or fax it to (+1 937 435-5854) (attn. xxx/CTS2016).
Please send your presenter’s bio as a WORD document email attachment to Barbara Frantom and Felicia Harlow at and The biography should be a short professional summary (a few sentences, or a paragraph of about 8 lines or so) of the presenting author, which will be read aloud immediately before the author's presentation. This presenter will be considered the official presenter of the paper.
Please refer to some useful information about preparing your presentation for the conference at this link.
CTS has a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property violations or misconduct, plagiarism, multiple submission, no show, and any other unprofessional conduct.
Conference Consent
It is understood that the author's submission of any contribution to the conference implies that it is a consent itself to use the material, name & affiliation and related items in the conference proceedings, program and any other conference records or publicity venues we typically use for disseminating this information to the conference participants without any limitation. This consent would also include specific warranties that the author's material provided does not infringe on any third party's copyrights, trade secrets, or intellectual property.
IEEE Intellectual Property Rights
(Copyright information, Plagiarism guidelines, Multiple submission and prior publication guidelines, Request permission to reuse copyrighted material, Trademark policies)
Plagiarism guidelines:
In which index and abstract databases does IEEE include bibliographic records?
IEEE content is indexed by Google and has agreements in place with other publishers and services to include IEEE papers in their online and print indexes. Examples include INSPEC, Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, Ei Engineering, and Village. For a complete listing, please click the Publishing and Indexing Partners link on the “Welcome to IEEE Xplore” help page. Please see
The IEEE provides SCOPUS with all of the IEEE Xplore digital library content so that the bibliographic information (what is seen on an abstract page in IEEE Xplore, including the abstract) can be made visible. While IEEE does provide them with all of their content, it is not IEEE policy to determine what Scopus will or will not index. Additionally, once SCOPUS does load IEEE records, and the abstract is viewable to their users, the user can then link back to IEEE Xplore and lands on the abstract page of that particular record, enabling you to either view through a subscription or purchase the full text article.
If you have any questions, please contact the IEEE Customer Center at
IEEE Policy on No Show / Non Presented Papers
CTS enforces the IEEE policy on no-shows. “IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.”
Papers excluded from further distribution will be archived at IEEE but will not be indexed or appear in IEEE Xplore. Copyright of non-presented papers is still retained by IEEE.
Change of Presenters and Presentation
Authors of a paper must specify the presenter as early as possible, by the September 15, 2016 deadline. Once designated, the presenter cannot be changed without the prior approval of the program chairs. A request of change of presenter must be submitted by the authors in due time so that proper approvals can be obtained. The presenter is expected to present in person based on the final program specifics. No other variation is accepted unless approved by program chairs prior to event. No request for change of presenter will be considered once the draft program is made. Failure to do so, the paper will be treated as a no-show.
IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors Policy on Pre-publication Author Misconduct on Double-submission and Plagiarism
"In addition to the IEEE policies, pre-publication author misconduct, such as double-submission or plagiarism, will result in rejection of the manuscript(s), and a minimum 6 month ban on submissions to fully owned ComSoc publications by the author(s)."
IEEE Prohibited Authors List FAQ
CTS 2016 will abide by and support the IEEE Prohibited Authors List and any other such lists from sponsoring professional organizations.